A complete list of courses available in the Department of Political Science can be found in the Course Catalog while a list of courses offered for a particular semester can be found in the Course Explorer. Courses listed by concentration.
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100 Level Course Information
PS 100: Introduction to Political Science
This course surveys the major concepts and approaches employed in the study of politics.
Spring 2025- Ksiazkiewicz
Fall 2024- Kourtikakis, Mettler
Spring 2024- Yang
Fall 2023- Kourtikakis, Lee
Spring 2023- Ksiazkiewicz, Kim
Fall 2022- Cho, Bail, Rha, Steur
Spring 2022- Kourikakis
Fall 2021 - Bail, Rha, Yang, Yoo
Spring 2021 - Griffin, Rau, Zhong
Spring 2020 - Ksiazkiewicz
Fall 2019 - Kourtikakis
Spring 2019 - Chu, Kim, Ksiazkiewicz
Fall 2018 - Kourtikakis
Spring 2018- Ksiazkiewicz
Fall 2017- Kourtikakis, Ksiazkiewicz
Fall 2016- Kourtikakis, Ksiazkiewicz, Evan
Spring 2016- Ksiazkiewicz, Cawvey, Estes
PS 101: Introduction to US Government and Politics
Examines the organization and development of national, state, and local governments in the U.S.; the federal system; the U.S. Constitutions; civil and political rights; the party system; and the nature, structure, powers, and procedures of national political institutions.
Spring 2025- Ahn & Mettler
Fall 2024- Mullins
Spring 2022-Spring 2024, contact Professor Sin (gsin@illinois.edu) for a copy of the syllabus.
Fall 2021- Moreira
Fall 2019 – Fall 2021, contact Professor Sin (gsin@illinois.edu) for a copy of the syllabus.
Spring 2019 - Estes, Perez, Pryor
Fall 2016- Britzman, Selin, Uhall
Fall 2016- Fall 2018 - contact Professor Sin (gsin@illinois.edu) for a copy of the syllabus.
Spring 2016- Evans, Selin
PS 125: The Washington Experience
An examination of political Washington and policymaking. Through visits to think tanks, nonprofit organizations, and agencies we will examine the policymaking world in Washington and get to know different participants in this process, what they do, and how they interact and work to affect policy and express their ideas. This course is a required component of the Illinois in Washington Program. Prerequisite: Acceptance to and enrollment in the Illinois in Washington Program.
Spring 2025- Mayer
Spring 2023- Mayer
Fall 2022- Mayer
Spring 2022- Mayer
Fall 2021 - Mayer
Spring 2021 - Mayer
Fall 2020- Mayer
Spring 2020 - Mayer
Fall 2019 - Mayer
Spring 2019 - Mayer
Fall 2018 - Mayer
Spring 2018- Mayer
PS 152: The New Middle East
Discussion of contemporary sociopolitical change and current events in the Middle East. We will explore the background to these events, the factors that are driving them, and the short-term and long-term implications for the region and the world. Course reflects diverse fields of study, including cultural studies, economics, education, history, law, linguistics, literature, media, religion, political science, and sociology.
Fall 2024- Livny
Fall 2022- Livny
Spring 2022- Livny
Fall 2020 - Livny
Fall 2018 - Livny
Fall 2017- Livny
Spring 2017- Livny
PS 153: The New East Asia
Introduction to the comparative politics of North East Asia, with a focus on Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, South and North Korea. Examines state building in East Asian regions; political development, institutional arrangements, and leadership of individual states; the role of states in promoting regional economic development; and state-society relations, focusing on identity, nationalism, and civil society development. Students will make connections between core concepts in comparative politics and gain familiarity with East Asian political contexts.
Fall 2024- Yang
PS 170: Power, Politics, and Protest
Study of how political institutions and laws can be both the vehicle and target of social and political transformation. Situates ideas about freedom of speech, civil disobedience, and political protest in historical context, showing how the contemporary political landscape has come to be what it is. An entry level course, it provides students with the fundaments of civic literacy and ideas and analytic tools needed to understand and engage political life
PS 180: Introduction to the Politics of Globalization
Introduction to the politics of globalization; identification of the principal actors, properties, and patterns of the politics of globalization that distinguish global politics from other forms of politics between and within groups, communities, states, and international organizations.
PS 191: Topics in Civic Leadership
Examines public and political life from the perspective of public and political leaders. Topics include professional development, career narratives, and/or development or selection of opportunities for civic or public service.
Spring 2019 - Hinchliffe
Spring 2017- Hinchliffe
PS 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar
Selected readings and research in political science. See Class Schedule for current topics.
Fall 2024
Althaus (Presidential Campaigns: CHP)
Grossman (Drones and Asymmetric Warfare)
Mondak (Elections 2024)
Spring 2024
Mondak (Election 2024)
Grossman (Politics of the Internet)
Grossman (Drones and Asymmetric Warfare)
Fall 2023
Prorok (Introduction to Political Violence)
Spring 2023
Grossman (Drones and Asymmetric Warfare)
Fall 2022
Mondak (Election 2022)
Spring 2022
Grossman (Drones)
Yang (New East Asia)
Spring 2021
Yang (New East Asia)
Fall 2020
Mondak (Election 2020)
Spring 2020
Pahre (American Indian Politics)
Sin (Hum Rights/Poli Cult Argentina) - contact Professor Sin (gsin@illinois.edu) for a copy of the Spring 2020 syllabus.
Fall 2017
Grossman (Drones and Asymmetric Warfare)
Livny (Ethnicity, Religion, & the Nation State: Identity Politics in Comparative Perspective)
Mayer (The Washington Experience)
Fall 2016
Johnson (Civic Leadership)
Kuklinski (Research Design)
Livny (Ethnicity, Religion, & the Nation State: Identity Politics in Comparative Perspective
Spring 2016
Grady (Survey Methods in PS)
Hinchliffe (Civic Careers)
200 Level Course Information
PS 201: US Racial and Ethnic Politics
Examines efforts by racial and ethnic communities to organize politically and by society to allocate resources based on race or ethnicity. Topical focus includes African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and white ethnics. The primary goal of the course is to develop a more comprehensive understanding of racial and ethnic politics by identifying commonalities and differences among these groups and their relationship to the state.
Fall 2024- Wong
Spring 2024- Griffin
Fall 2023- Raynal
Spring 2023- Warland
Fall 2022- Leffingwell, Pryor, Tuhtasunov
Fall 2021 - Jung, Khan
Spring 2021 - Cho, Garcia, Jung
Fall 2020 - Jung
Fall 2019 - Baser
Fall 2018 - Chu, Evans
Spring 2018- Wong
PS 202: Religion and Politics in the US
Examines how religion and politics influence each other in the United States, both historically and in contemporary society.
Fall 2024- Rudolph
Fall 2023- Rudolph
Fall 2022- Rudolph
Fall 2016- Rudolph
Spring 2016- Rudolph
PS 214: American Indian Law & Politics
Examines the role of American Indians and Indian law in the US political system. Beginning with the core concept of sovereignty, the course then looks at Indian political mobilizations, tribal political economy, tribal governance, relations between tribes and states and between tribes and the federal government, and laws governing religious freedom and environmental issues.
Fall 2024- Pahre
Fall 2023- Pahre
Fall 2022- Pahre
Fall 2021- Pahre
Fall 2020- Pahre
PS 220: Introduction to Public Policy
Surveys the policy process including adoption, implementation, and evaluation. Topics may include reviews of substantive policy issues such as crime, energy, environment, poverty, foreign policy, civil liberties, or economic regulation.
Spring 2025- Ashley
Fall 2024- Ashley
Spring 2024- Ashley
Fall 2023- Ashley
Spring 2023- Ashley
Fall 2022- Ashley
Spring 2022- Ashley
Fall 2021- Ashley
Spring 2021- Ashley
Fall 2020- Ashley
Spring 2020- Ashley
Fall 2019- Ashley
Spring 2019- Ashley
Fall 2018- Ashley
Fall 2017- Ashley
Spring 2017- Ashley
Fall 2016- Ashley
Spring 2016- Ashley
PS 224: Politics of the National Parks
Examines the politics of national parks in the United States, including creation of parks, local support or opposition to parks, and park policy as well as policy questions such as the value of wilderness ecosystem management, endangered species protection, and role of parks in national identity and remembrance of events such as the Civil War, the Indian wars, or the civil rights movement.
Spring 2025- Pahre
Spring 2024- Pahre
Spring 2023- Pahre
Fall 2021 - Pahre
Spring 2019- Pahre
Fall 2018- Pahre
Summer 2017- Pahre
Spring 2017- Pahre
PS 225: Environmental Politics and Policy
Examinations of the political, economic, ecological, and cultural trade-offs between the use and the preservation of the environment, with particular emphasis on the preservation of land and water resources in national parks, forests, and other reserved lands.
Spring 2025- Pahre
Spring 2024- Pahre
Spring 2023- Pahre
Spring 2022- Pahre
Fall 2019 - Pahre
Fall 2018 - Pahre
Fall 2017- Pahre
PS 230: Introduction to Political Research
Surveys the principles that guide empirical research in political science; emphasizes definition of research problems, principles and practices of measurement, use of data as evidence, and data analysis.
Fall 2024- Cohen
Spring 2024- Ahn, Migotto Brandolt
Spring 2023- Cho, Moreira
Spring 2021 - Lu, Kim
Fall 2019 - Plutowski
Fall 2018 - Baser
Fall 2017- Bowers
Spring 2017- Bowers
Fall 2016- Grady
Spring 2016- Renn, Testa
PS 231: Strategic Models
Introduces strategic models of political behavior and their implications for our understanding of politics. Uses simple models, inspired by game theory, to examine fundamental political questions.
Spring 2025- Carroll
Fall 2023- Carroll
Fall 2022- Carroll
Spring 2022- Carroll
Fall 2021- Carroll
Fall 2020 - Carroll
Spring 2020 - Guo
Spring 2019 - Guo
Fall 2018 - Guo
Spring 2018- Hummel
Spring 2017- Hummel
PS 240: Introduction to Comparative Politics
Surveys the basic concepts and principles of political analysis from a comparative perspective.
Fall 2023- Livny
Fall 2022- Livny
Spring 2022- Livny
Fall 2021 - Webb Williams
Fall 2020 - Webb Williams
Fall 2019 - Guo
Spring 2019 - Leff
Fall 2017- Leff
Spring 2017- Leff
Fall 2016- Burke
Spring 2016- Chereson, Waeiss
PS 241: Comparative Politics in Developing Nations
Provides comparative and historical insights into the problems affecting the developing world by examining social, economic, and political changes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Fall 2024- Tuhtasunov
Spring 2023- Livny
Fall 2021 - Livny
Spring 2021 - Livny
Fall 2020 - Rha, Scheirer
Spring 2020 - Shin
Fall 2019 - Pettit
Spring 2019 - Waeiss
Fall 2018 - Livny
Spring 2018- Linvy
Fall 2017- Winters
Fall 2016- Livny
Spring 2016- Winters
PS 243: Pan Africanism
Provides an introduction to Pan African political movements and ideologies from the Americas to continental Africa. Examines the political, social, economic, and ideological relationships and connections between Africans and their descendants in the diaspora from an historical and comparative perspective.
PS 250: Rise Up: Organizing Resistance
From the Civil Rights Movement and the Arab Spring, to anti-femicide activism and gun rights advocacy, ordinary people have risen up and shaped history. Why do social movements emerge despite risks of repression? How do people overcome barriers to collective action? How do their strategies for organizing resistance differ, and with what consequences? This course is designed to answer these questions and others by examining the causes, dynamics, and consequences of organized resistance.
PS 270: Introduction to Political Theory
Introduces the nature, structure, and purposes of political theory; examines major works on the problems of political order, obedience, justice, liberty, and representation to distinguish and clarify different theoretical approaches.
Spring 2025- Miller
Fall 2024- Ahn
Spring 2024- Miller
Spring 2023- Miller
Fall 2022- Miller
Spring 2022- Miller
Fall 2021- Miller
Spring 2020 - Miller
Fall 2019 - Miller
Spring 2019 - Miller
Fall 2018 - Miller
Spring 2018- Orlie
Fall 2017- Miller
Fall 2016- Miller
Spring 2016- Miller
PS 272: Women and Politics
Examines the political status and roles of women. Topics include women's political behavior; feminist and anti-feminist politics; and contemporary legislative and public policy issues, such as educational equity, equal rights legislation, and health care delivery for women.
PS 280: Introduction to International Relations
Structure and processes of international relations, trends in international politics, and the future of the international system.
Fall 2024- Nagashima
Spring 2024- Grossman
Fall 2023- Nagashima
Spring 2023- Grossman
Fall 2022- Kim
Spring 2022- Grossman
Fall 2021 - Cho
Fall 2020 - Cho
Spring 2020 - Grossman
Fall 2019 - Grossman, Nagashima
Spring 2019 - Nagashima
Fall 2018 - Grossman, Nagashima
Spring 2018- Grossman
Fall 2017- Chaudoin
Spring 2017- Vasquez
Fall 2016- Chaudoin, Nagashima, Pack
Spring 2016- Chaudoin, Nagashima
PS 281: Introduction to International Relations - ACP
This course is identical to PS 280 except for the additional writing component that fulfills the campus' advanced composition requirement.
Spring 2025- Nagashima
Fall 2022- Nagashima
Spring 2022- Nagashima
Fall 2021 - Nagashima
Spring 2021 - Nagashima
Spring 2020 - Nagashima
Spring 2017- Henehan
PS 282: Governing Globalization
Examines the historical, socio-economic, political, and moral dimensions associated with the rise of a global society and its governance.
Spring 2025- Kourtikakis
Spring 2024- Kourtikakis
Fall 2022- Kourtikakis
Fall 2021 - Kourtikakis
Fall 2020 - Kourtikakis
Spring 2020 - Kourtikakis
Spring 2018- Kourtikakis
Spring 2017- Lassi
PS 283: Introduction to International Security
Surveys the major issues associated with arms control, disarmament and international security. Also examines the military, socio-economic, and political dimensions of weapons systems, military strategy, the ethics of modern warfare, nuclear proliferation, and regional security issues.
Fall 2024- Casler
Spring 2024- Casler
Spring 2019 - Powers
Fall 2018 - Powers
Spring 2018 – Scheirer
Spring 2016- Lassi, Powers
PS 292: Undergraduate Research Practicum
Familiarize students with processes for producing, validating, and analyzing political science data through experiential learning. Nature and topical focus of research projects vary.
Spring 2025- O'Brien Udry, Pauselli
Fall 2024- Livny
Spring 2024- Livny
Fall 2023- Livny, Prorok, Yang
Spring 2023- Livny
Fall 2022- Livny
Fall 2021 – Livny, Prorok
Spring 2021 - Prorok
Fall 2020 - Hinchliffe A, B, Livny, Prorok
Spring 2020 - Livny A, B
Fall 2019 - Livny
Spring 2019 - Livny A, B
Fall 2018 - Livny