graduates in cap and gown

The Department of Political Science is grateful for the valuable support it receives from alumni and friends. Your donations help the department meet its commitments to excellence in research, teaching, and public service. Thanks for your support!


The Department of Political Science Annual Fund

The Annual Fund provides unrestricted funds to aid in the achievement of the Department's multiple missions. These gifts are often the only source of discretionary funds available to meet the Department's needs. Annual gifts benefit the Department's students, programs, and faculty. They make it possible to recognize outstanding teaching; provide educational technology essential for learning, teaching, and research; fund student and faculty research initiatives; support innovative course development and other academic programs.

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Bob Byars Scholarship for First-Generation College Students

The Bob Byars Scholarship is a need-based scholarship that assists in supporting fund for first-generation college students who are pursuing a degree in political science at the University of Illinois.

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The Dean S. Dorman Award

The Dean S. Dorman Award provides funds to political science students who are traveling to conferences and symposia in which they are participants.

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Robert Pahre Fund for Off-Campus Program Development

The Robert Pahre Fund supports faculty development of all kinds of off-campus programs, including internships, field trips, field-experience courses, and study abroad.

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The Peter F. Rossiter Scholarship

This scholarship provides an award for a freshman, sophomore, and junior political science major and is awarded based on a combination of academic merit and financial need.

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Graduate Research and Professionalization Fund

This fund provides valuable support to graduate students for research and professionalization expenses, including conference travel and job market expenses.

Donate to the Graduate Research and Professionalization Fund