Contact Information
Office Hours
Research Interests
American Institutions; Judicial Politics; Judicial Appointments; Computational Modeling
Ph.D. Washington University in St. Louis. 2014
A.M. Washington University in St. Louis. 2011
A.B. University of California, Davis. 2006
Awards and Honors
Best Graduate Student Paper. 2014. Law and Courts Section, American Political Science Association
Additional Campus Affiliations
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Recent Publications
Uribe-McGuire, A. (2023). Binders Full of Judges: A Model of the Interdependency of Appointments to the United States Federal Judiciary. Journal of Law and Courts, 11(2), 329-349. https://doi.org/10.1017/jlc.2022.9
Nelson, M. J., & Uribe-McGuire, A. (2017). Opportunity and Overrides: The Effect of Institutional Public Support on Congressional Overrides of Supreme Court Decisions. Political Research Quarterly, 70(3), 632-643. https://doi.org/10.1177/1065912917709353
Schnakenberg, K. E., Turner, I. R., & Uribe-McGuire, A. (2017). Allies or commitment devices? A model of appointments to the Federal Reserve. Economics and Politics, 29(2), 118-132. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecpo.12089
Uribe, A., Spriggs, J. F., & Hansford, T. G. (2014). The Influence of Congressional Preferences on Legislative Overrides of Supreme Court Decisions. Law and Society Review, 48(4), 921-945. https://doi.org/10.1111/lasr.12109