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Liliana Brock

Profile picture for Liliana Brock

Contact Information

Office: English Building #158, 608 S. Wright
Mail: 420 David Kinley Hall MC-713
1407 W Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
PSGSA President
Teaching Assistant
CITL Data Analytics Consultant

Research Interests

Political Behavior/ Psychology

       - Migration      

       - Causal Inference

       - Physiological Measurement

Research Description

My research centers on the study of migration in Latin America, with particular attention to the political, social, and economic factors that shape the movement of people across the region. I investigate how shifting migration policies, exposure to migrant routes, and evolving public attitudes reflect and drive broader political change. By examining individual and aggregate level patterns, I aim to generate insights into the complex interplay between migrants’ decisions, community responses, and policy outcomes.

I also emphasize innovative research methodologies integrating traditional quantitative and qualitative techniques with emerging computational and analytical tools. Through these combined approaches, my work seeks to deepen our understanding of how migration reconfigures social landscapes and influences political behavior. Ultimately, my goal is to produce research that informs policy discussions and contributes to a new view of the challenges and possibilities in contemporary migration in Latin America.

Awards and Honors

Summer Pre-Doctoral Institute Fellow - UIUC

Illinois Graduate Fellow

ICPSR Scholarship for Political Science Research 

Courses Taught

PS230 Introduction to Political Science Research (applied statistics) | TA *Ranked as Excellent by Students '24

PS241 Comparative Developing Nations  |  Instructor