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Qiaoyi Nie

Profile picture for Qiaoyi Nie

Contact Information

420 David Kinley Hall
1407 W Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801

Research Interests

American Politics

  • Political Behavior
  • Political Psychology
  • Race and Ethnicity Politics
  • Identity Politics
  • Asian American Politics


M.A. Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2024)

M.A. English Language and Literature (American Studies), Beijing Foreign Studies University (2022)

B.A. English Language and Literature, Sichuan International Studies University (2019)

Awards and Honors

Courses Taught

Teaching Assistant, PS201: Racial and Ethnic Politics in the United States (Fall 2024)

Grader, PS 199: Election 2024 (Spring 2024)

Additional Campus Affiliations

Graduate Fellow, Asian American Cultural Center (AY 2023-2024)

Research Asisstant, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (Fall 2022, Fall 2023)

Research Asisstant, Department of Sociology (Spring 2023)