Congratulations to all of the faculty and teaching assistants on the Spring 2022 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent.
A special congratulations to the 14 instructors from the Department of Political Science who are on the list:
️Seongjoon Ahn* PS 101 TA
️Robert Carroll PS 231
️Jaeseok Cho PS 100 TA
️Kevin Choi PS 270 TA
️Nicholas Grossman* PS 300
Joshua Holmes* PS 394 TA
️Sanghoon Kim PS 230 TA
️Konstantinos Kourtikakis* PS 100, 392, 457
️Younghyun Lee PS 270 TA
️Avital Livny PS 152, 240
️Bob Pahre PS 300
️Alyssa Prorok PS 494, 581
️Cara Wong PS 456
️Yujeong Yang PS 199, 343
* indicates instructors considered to have outstanding ratings
Click here to see the complete list of Teachers Ranked as Excellent for Spring 2022.