• 2019-03-26 - Congratulations to all of the faculty and teaching assistants on the Fall 2018 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent. A special congratulations to the 26 instructors from the Department of Political Science who are on the list! Rebeca Agosto Rosa - PS 230 (TA) Scott Althaus – PS 312 Ekrem Baser - PS 230 (TA) Peter Chereson - PS 101 (TA) Wendy Cho - PS 323, PS 532 Xinyuan Dai - PS 380...
  • 2019-03-11 - Professor Robert Pahre spoke with the Illinois News Bureau about Indiana Dunes National Park, including his thoughts on the politics leading to the park's new status and the great features it offers visitors. Read the full interview here.
  • 2019-02-05 - Each year the members of the local chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha vote for the Clarence A. Berdahl Award for Excellence Undergraduate Teaching. Please join us in congratulating the 2019 recipient of the Berdahl Award, Dr. Benjamin Miller!
  • 2019-02-01 - Colleen Murphy, professor of philosophypolitical science, and law, was recently interviewed by 3:AM Magazine. In the article, Professor Murphy shares her educational journey and expertise on transitional justice.  ...
  • 2018-06-21 - Professor Wendy Tam Cho spoke with the Illinois News Bureau about the Supreme Court's June 18 ruling regarding gerrymandering. Read the full interview here.
  • 2018-06-14 - The Department of Political Science is pleased to announce an annual awards program to honor outstanding University of Illinois Political Science alumni. Applications are now available for awards in the categories of Alumni Achievement, Outstanding Young Alumni, and Distinguished Service. The application process is simple and open to all. We encourage you to nominate someone you think would be...
  • 2018-05-21 - Professor Nicholas Grossman's new book, Drones and Terrorism: Assymetric Warfare and the Threat to Global Security" discusses how drones are changing the nature of warfare and terrorism. Dr. Grossman spoke with the Illinois News Bureau about his research. Read the full story.
  • 2018-04-24 - Each year the members of the local chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha vote for the Clarence A. Berdahl Award for Excellence Undergraduate Teaching. Please join us in congratulating the 2018 recipient of the Berdahl Award, Dr. Alicia Uribe-McGuire!  
  • 2018-03-15 -   Congratulations to all of the faculty and teaching assistants on the Fall 2017 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent. A special congratulations to the 26 instructors from the Department of Political Science who are on the list! Scott Althaus – PS 312 Kristin Bail – PS 240 (TA) Jaeseok Cho – PS 280 (TA) Jillian Evans – PS 101 (TA) Luzmarina Garcia – PS 101 (TA) Nicholas Grossman – PS...
  • 2018-03-06 - For their latest book William Bernhard and Tracy Sulkin studied 20 years of data on the U.S. House of Representatives. They discovered five distinct legislative styles that describe the ways that members of Congress focus their time, effort and resources. The U of I News Bureau spoke with Dr. Bernhard and Dr. Sulkin about their findings and their book, Legislative Styles....
  • 2018-02-23 - Samantha Frost is part of a multi-university team that just won a $138,000 Research Challenge Grant from the Humanities Without Walls consortium. Dr. Frost is a Project Coordinator for the project “Arendt on Earth: From the Archimedean Point to the Anthropocene,” which will entail a series of workshops fostering a deep engagement with...
  • 2018-02-09 - Each year the College of LAS recognizes professors, teaching assistants and an advisor for excellence in educations and mentoring. We are excited to have two members of the Department of Political Science being recognized this year.                            ...
  • 2018-02-01 - Congratulations to Political Science major, Naomi Kainuma. Naomi received the Illinois International Undergraduate Achievement Award. Naomi will complete her degree in Spring 2018 and will be working with the Peace Corps in Indonesia following graduation. Click here for Naomi's full biography and to learn more about the award.
  • 2018-01-26 - Congratulations to Avital Livny and Gisela Sin on their appointments to the Center for Advanced Study! Dr. Livny was named a Fellow for 2018-2019. She will be pursuing her project titled, “Persistent Effects of Diversity for Politics and Economics: The Case of Ottoman Turkey.” Dr. Sin was named an Associate and will be working on her project titled, “The Disempowered Executive: Reconsidering...
  • 2017-11-20 - A big congratulations to senior Thomas Dowling who was selected as a Rhodes Scholar. He is one of only 32 students nationwide selected for the honor and is the first Rhodes Scholar from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 1998. The Rhodes Scholarship allows for postgraduate study at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Thomas, a recipient of the Truman Fellowship for...