JOHN COADY (’74) explains how his study of political science influenced his judicial career path and life in this way: “Politics is my life.” In college, he was involved in activities including student government and the Inter-Fraternity Council. His advice to students is that while classroom performance is important, participation in extracurricular activities is essential in the development of leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills. Or more simply, “Be excellent, but also be involved.”
After college, Coady attended law school at Ohio State University, and thereafter became a successful lawyer and state’s attorney in central Illinois. Eventually, he became a judge of the 4th Judicial Circuit of Illinois until he retired in 2009. Judge Coady continues to serve the university on the department's Board of Visitors. In addition, he is the current President of the Illinois Judges Association.
Judge Coady can be reached at johnpcoady@hotmail.com.